When the AI finishes the Supremacy tradition tree it will prefer to switch to or stay in the Supremacist Diplomatic Stance if: The AI can complete the Supremacy tradition tree early, a mere 7 years in to the game, or it may complete it later such as around 40-50 years in.

When the AI completes the Supremacy tradition tree it should immediately switch to the Supremacist Diplomatic Stance.

Make sure no other empires are set to the forced spawning mode and then start a new game using an empire of your choice on a small galaxy with: Save this empire then go back to the empire selection screen and change its spawning mode to Forced. Create a new custom empire that is Fanatic Militarist and Authoritarian, has the Nationalistic Zeal and Warrior Culture civics, and which has a founder species with the Conformists, Fleeting, and Traditional traits.